viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

Un C-130J de la IAF India se estrelló


Uno de los aviones de transporte C-130J 'Hercules' de la Fuerza Aérea India (IAF) recientemente adquiridos se estrelló esta mañana a 72 millas al oeste de la base aérea de Gwalior. La tripulación de 5 personas ha muerto...

IAF aircraft C-130J Super Hercules crashes near Gwalior, 5 killedNEW DELHI: A recently acquired C-130J transport aircraft of the Indian Air Force crashed 72 miles west of Gwalior airbase on Friday morning, killing at least five personnel on board.
The IAF has no official word yet on how many personnel were aboard the aircraft.
The crash of the four-engine US made aircraft has baffled experienced pilots, given its safety records and extreme agility. One senior air force pilot said the accident was "bizarre", and speculated that either the crew was incapacitated or a fire broke out aboard the plane.
Rescue operations are underway at the crash site, air force sources said. "The aircraft was airborne from Agra at 10am for a routine flying training mission. A court of inquiry has been ordered to investigate into the cause of the accident," the IAF said in a statement.
The crash took place in Karauli district in Rajasthan, some 72 miles from Gwalior, where it was due to land.

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