domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2024

¿ Be-200 para Argelia ?


Un medio argelino se ha hecho eco de la posibilidad de que el país esté interesado en adquirir aviones contraincendios Beriev Be-200...

Algérie: Vers l’achat de 8 bombardiers d’eau Beriev

Hablaríamos de 8 aviones (6 fijos y otros 2 opcionales).

Por ahora no hay nada concreto y se habla de que se está valorando esa opción.

Parece que la cosa ya es oficial. Esta es la nota publicada por el Ministerio de defensa de Argelia... 

Acquisition of water bombers to fight forest fires

      Following the fires that affected several regions of the country, and in execution of the instructions of the President of the Republic, Supreme Chief of the Armed Forces, Minister of National Defence, to instruct the Ministry of National Defence to supervise the operation of Acquisition of aircraft specialized in the fight against forest fires, the Ministry of National Defence immediately launched the necessary consultations with world-renowned manufacturers, capable to fulfil the request as soon as possible. The choice fell on a world-famous Russian manufacturer. For this purpose, the relevant departments of the Ministry of National Defence have started negotiations with the said manufacturer for the acquisition of four (04) new amphibious multi-mission water bomber planes, of Russian manufacture type BERIEV-200 (BE- 200), twin-engine, with a capacity of 13,000 litres and capable of responding to forest fires in extreme and complex weather conditions.

      These internationally renowned water bombers (BE-200) have proven their worth during their use against forest fires which have already affected several countries around the world and will strongly support the efforts of the State in the fight against fires with the efficiency and required speed.


Y el eco en algunos medios rusos:

Алжир собирается купить четыре самолета Бе-200

Se afirma que este sería uno de los Be-200ES a entregar para Argelia 

Desde la Embajada rusa en Egipto se habla de 4 

Russian Embassy in Egypt: Russia will supply four Be-200 amphibious aircraft to Algeria

El primero en Túnez, de camino a Argelia



2º Beriev be-200ES para Argelia (diciembre 2024) nuevo

В Алжир отправлен самолет Бе-200 таганрогского авиазавода

Hasta ahora:

1º 7T-VPV

2º 7T-VPW

Beriev Be-200

Otra entrada relacionada:

Otro Be-200ChS para el EMERCOM

Otro Be-200ChS al aire

6 Be-200ChS para el EMERCOM