martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Rusia ofrece a Chile la producción bajo licencia de equipos y sistemas


Aleksandr Fomin, director del Servicio Federal de Cooperación Militar, ha afirmado que se ha ofrecido al gobierno de Chile armamentos y equipo militar en todas las categorías así como la producción en su país de determinados productos ...

... Citándose armas pequeñas y aviones anfibios Beriev Be-200 o los aviones civiles SSJ y MS21 ...

Russia invited Chile to localize the production of weapons
Russia has proposed to the Government of Chile, the entire spectrum of weapons and military equipment with the possibility of localization of individual samples of such products. On this, as reported by  RIA Novosti , said the director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation Alexander Fomin. According to him, it is a question of small arms and amphibian aircraft Be-200.
Moreover, the Chilean government have been proposed and some types of civil aviation, including passenger liner SSJ-100 and MC-21 perspective. According to Fomin, Chile traditionally buys weapons and military equipment of western production, but Russia will try to change this tradition. Persuade Chile to purchase Russian weapons planned "at the expense of qualities such as reliability, ease of use, value for money."

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