domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014

El sector espacial de EEUU depende más de Rusia que el ruso de EEUU

Noticias Espaciales

En una entrevista a la agencia AFP John Logsdon, científico estadounidense, aseguró que el sector espacial de EEUU depende más de Rusia que el sector espacial ruso de EEUU, en clara alusión a una potencial crísis entre ambos países a cuenta de la situación de Ucrania y cómo esto perjudicaría más a EEUU que a la Federación Rusa en el espacio ...

In the space sector in the United States more dependent on Russia than Russian Federation from United States, said NASA spokesman PARIS, March 23. (ARMS-TASS). In the space sector in the United States more dependent on Russia than Russian Federation from United States. This opinion was expressed in an interview with AFP in Washington John Logsdon, an American scientist, member of the NASA Advisory Council. He responded to questions about whether can be interrupted in the current situation shipping astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS) with the help of Russian missiles.
"In the space sector between the U.S. and Russia there is a significant correlation in that regard the operation of the ISS - Logsdon said. - I do not think that the station can operate successfully without the support of the U.S. Mission Control Center, located in Texas. Thus the Russian side needs the support of the American side - but apparently not to the extent that Russia needed in the implementation of the U.S. programs in the space field. "
According to Logsdon "risk that flights on Russian ships to the ISS will be terminated, is not more than 20-25 per cent." "Such a step would lead to a genuine catastrophe, because to ensure operation of the station would be extremely difficult," - he said.
NASA spokesman Allard Butel, in turn, said: "We do not expect that the current Russian-Ukrainian situation will have an impact on U.S. long-standing cooperation with Russia in the field of civil space. "

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