jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

Inteligencia artificial para los "torpedos" rusos

Noticias Armada Rusa

Shamil Aliev, jefe de ingenieros de Dagdizel, ha declarado que los nuevos torpedos rusos estarán dotados de inteligencia artificial lo que les permtirá llevar a cabo sus tareas y asumir nuevas, como el reconocimiento. El sistema se denomina TsIUS, algo así como sistema digital de gestión de información ...

The latest Russian torpedoes will have artificial intelligence ANKT PETERSBURG, March 19 - RIA Novosti. The main task of the Russian torpedostroeniya at this stage is to provide the latest underwater weapons artificial intelligence, that is, digital information management system (ECMC), told RIA Novosti on Wednesday, the chief designer of the torpedo weapons in Russia, the general designer of the plant "Dagdizel" Professor Shamil Aliyev. celebrated in Russia on March 19 Submariner Day. On the eve of St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University held a ceremony awarding an honorary doctorate "Honoris Causa" Honoured Scientist Aliyev. "latest Russian torpedoes will be equipped with a digital information management system that will allow this weapon to combine the functions of a scout observer and lzheinformatora course means direct injury. Such a system is already on the way out requires its immediate implementation, "- said Aliyev. According to him, the torpedo future - is artificial intelligence, which must be brought closer to the human brain and even go further. "Now the challenge - as close as artificial intelligence torpedoes, working in conditions in which the presence of man it is impossible, for example, at a great depth. There are other areas that have disappeared out of print and are top secret," - said Aliyev.

... La información al completo en ria.ru

3 comentarios:

  1. I know that my reply has nothing to do with the subject and i apologize for that but i couldn't find another way to contact you.....this is the first image from the magazine naval & merchant ships of the project c28a : chinese vessels (3 +2) for the Algerian navy...C is for corvette, 28 is for 2800 tonnes and A is for algeria
    it would be nice if you can help us identify some components



  2. Hola

    Esta forma de contactar es perfecta.

    A ver si puedo echar un rato y subo el gráfico en cuanto lo tenga.

  3. Hola

    Ya tienes el gráfico en el blog.


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