viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

Suspendida prueba misilística rusa en Kazajstán

Noticias Fuerzas Estratégicas

El Ministerio de defensa Kazajo ha suspendido una prueba misilística rusa después de que un misil meteologico cayese a unos centenares de mts de una aldea de la región...

... Aayer a la 9:07 horas se recibió la información de que algo había caído a unos 500 mts de la aldea de Shungay Bokeyordinsk en Kazajstán. Era un cohete meteorológico. El cohete se lanzó desde Kapustin Yar y aparentemente forma parte de los preparativos par un test misilístico que en vista de lo sucedido se ha parado y quizá cancelado...

Fallen near the village in WKO meteorological rocket is
near the village Shungay Fallen (West Kazakhstan) is the meteorological rocket. Told  reported in the Department of Emergency Region, and the Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan.
"March 27 at 09.07 in a single duty dispatchers DESM WKO received information that 500 meters from the village Shungay Bokeyordinskogo district WKO villagers found unspecified object resembling a bomb. At the scene, officers checked akimat, the police department, the Department of Defense, Environmental Services, Department of Emergency and district prosecutor's office, "- said in a DES.
During the inspection of the crash site operations group akimat Bokeyordinskogo district determined that the detected object a meteorological rocket. Kazakhstan Defense Ministry confirms informatstsiyu that Shungay fallen near the village of West Kazakhstan region is meteorological rocket. "The rocket was carried from the landfill" Kapustin Yar "Russian Defense Ministry under test work plan for 2014, agreed with the Ministry of Defence of Kazakhstan November 28, 2013," - said in a statement.
According to the Kazakh Ministry, during the test, there was a failure propulsion system, and the rocket did not reach to the landfill. Fallen remnants missiles of death and destruction have not brought environmental damage is not done. Now the Ministry of Defence of Kazakhstan suspended testing in the republic using battlefields leased Russia, to ascertain the causes of the accident.
Recall rocket fell near the village Shungay Bokeyordinskogo district of West Kazakhstan region on the night of 26 on March 27. Reported that it was launched from a Russian military landfill "Kapustin Yar" on the night of March 27. How to tell the villagers, about 01.00 local time, they heard the crash of something heavy fall and a slight concussion of the earth. When the inhabitants of the outlying buildings were outside, they saw about 300-400 meters from the village languages Use of materials is allowed only if the reference  

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