jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

Estadísticas de la lucha contra el terrorismo en Dagestán

Noticias Terrorismo

El Ministerio del interior ruso ha publicado algunas estadísticas que resultan significativas sobre los esfuerzos para combatir el terrorismo en el caúcaso y son las siguientes ...

... En 2013:

- Murieron 167 terroristas

- De entre estos 167, 10 eran líderes

- 27 terroristas se entregaron

- 213 terroristas fueron detenidos

-92 policias murieron

- 176 fueron heridos

- 12 civiles murieron

- 73 fueron heridos

- Se confiscaron 763 armas de fuego incluyendo 167 fusiles, 16 ametralladoras, 36 lanzagrandas

- Se confiscaron 75 artefactos explosivos preparados para ser usados

- 2 toneladas de explosivos

In Dagestan in 2013 destroyed 167 militants MAKhAChKALA, March 27. / ITAR-TASS /. In Dagestan currently continue to operate 13 of the illegal armed formations (IAF), the head of the Interior Ministry Abdurashid Magomedov.
Speaking at a session of the regional parliament, the minister said that in 2013 in the region were killed 167 terrorists, 10 of them - the leaders, 27 militants have surrendered, 213 militants and their supporters were arrested and convicted. "We were able to almost completely eliminate the so-called shamhalskuyu, Levashinskogo, Sergokalinsky and Izberbashsky gang" - said Magomedov.
According to him, in 2013 as a result of attacks and bombings in Dagestan killed 92 police officers, 176 were injured, were also killed 12 civilians and 73 were wounded.
"Last year, the country's population were seized from illegal trafficking 763 firearms, including 167 machines, 16 machine guns, 36 grenade launchers. Also seized 75 ready to use improvised explosive devices, 2 tons of components to them," - said the head of the Interior Ministry.

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