jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

Se desmiente el rumor sobre la cancelación de la 6ª fragata proyecto 11356 modificado

Noticias Armada Rusa

Sergei Mijailov, portavóz del  astillero Yantar  de Kaliningrado, Que desmintió Ministerio de Defensa EL Ruso Haya cancelado la 6 ª fragata proyecto 11356 modificado para la Armada Rusa, rumor que había corrido por internet en los últimos días ...

"Amber" denied waiver of the sixth military frigate 11356
Russian Ministry of Defense did not give up the construction of six frigates of Project 11356 for the Black Sea Fleet. On this, as reported by ITAR-TASS , said Sergei Mikhailov, a spokesman for the Baltic factory "Amber", is engaged in building ships of this type. According to him, the construction of frigates contracted in Kaliningrad completed before the end of 2016.
Earlier bmpd blog, citing a source in the Russian Defense Ministry reported that the Defense Ministry on February 22 this year, has taken the decision not to build the sixth Project 11356 frigates for the Black Sea Fleet. The reason for this alleged lack of funding and steel Neustroev military value "cost-effectiveness" of the ships 11356.

... La información al completo en lenta.ru 

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