viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

Entregado el 3º de los submarinos clase kilo a la Armada de Vietnam


Los están haciendo "como churros", como se suele decir. Astilleros del Almirantazgo entregó el 3 º de los submarinos clase Kilo a la Armada Vietnamita. Se trata del HG-184 Hai Phong ...

Vietnamese Navy took third submarine of Project 636 Third export of six diesel-electric submarines (SSK) Project 636, ordered to "Admiralty Shipyards" (included in "United Shipbuilding Corporation") assigned to Vietnamese customers, according to Interfax-AVN, citing a source in the Russian shipbuilding industry
, "Upon completion of the marine part of the program of state tests in mid-March signed an act of technical transmission of the third body export", - said the agency interlocutor.
According to him, part of the sea state tests held in Bright (Kaliningrad Oblast), then March 2 submarine returned to the "Admiralty Shipyards". "During the period of testing submarine made ​​more than 20 dives and spent more than 60 hours in a submerged position," - he said.
interviewee noted that now awaits the arrival of a foreign boat crew. "Coastal Practices for Vietnamese sailors will begin in the second half of May. At the beginning of July, the first of five planned out to sea to be carried out during the sea part of the training, "- he said.
Sending third boat to Cam Ranh scheduled for the end of the year.
Previously reported that on March 19 in Cam Ranh aboard Dutch lighter was delivered second Vietnamese boat - "Ho Chi Minh City."

... La información al completo en

Listado de los nombres de los submarinos proyecto 636MV contratados para la Armada Vietnamita:

HQ-182 'Hanoi' (entregado)

HQ-183 'Ho Chi Minh' (entregado)

HQ-184 'Hai Phong' (entregado y de camino a Vietnam)

HQ-185 'Da Nang'

HQ-186 'Janh Hoa'

HQ-187 'Vung Tau'

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