martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

En 2014 la Armada Rusa recibirá 40 nuevas unidades navales

Noticias Armada Rusa

En 2014 la Armada Rusa recibirá 40 buques y submarinos de nueva construcción ...

... entre los buques que se recibirán estarán las fragatas proyecto 11356 modificado que construye Yantar o las corbetas 21631 de Zelenodolsk y algún submarino proyecto 636.3 de astilleros del Almirantazgo...

Russian Navy will receive for the year 40 ships
for the Russian Navy in 2014 will receive more than 40 new surface ships and submarines, according to RIA Novosti . Simultaneously, the military intend to pay special attention to the development of infrastructure-based synchronization with the supply of new ships. First of all we are talking about the submarine base of the Northern Fleet Gadzhiyevo, Pacific Fleet Vilyuchinsk and the Black Sea Fleet base in Novorossiisk. As expected before the end of 2014 the Navy will be transferred to Russian Project 11356 frigates, small missile ships project 21631, anti-sabotage boat project 21980, rescue vessel "Igor Belousov." At shipyards plan to lay some new vessels, including icebreaker project 21180 and self-propelled floating crane project 02690. 

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