martes, 1 de abril de 2014

El neceser de equipo de aseo personal para las Fuerzas Armadas Rusas

Noticias Ejército Ruso

El ministerio de defensa ruso ha presentado el neceser de equipo individual de aseo para los militares rusos que será entregado a los nuevos reclutas este año 2014 ...

.. que incluye 18 productos entre los que se incluye champú, crema de afeitar, gel de baño, desodorante, etc ...

01.04.2014 (16:41) for the first time in the Russian army conscript each receive an "Army vanity case" the first time in the history of the Russian Armed Forces, starting with the spring conscription campaign in 2014, each inductee will be provided by "Army travel bag."
It will be given to each recruit in military commissariat, along with clothing and equipment.
"Army vanity case" is intended to equip the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and consists of bags and accessories for the supplied accessories.  
Complete "Army holster" 18 items: shampoo, shower gel for men 2 in 1 , toothpaste, shaving gel, after shave, wash, hand cream, deodorant for men, gel for hands and feet, shaving machine, cartridge with replaceable blades, nail clipper, comb, sewing kit, a towel, a set of patches foldable silicone cup with lid, lip balm hygiene, toothbrush and mirror. All components have a label design set sample with the symbol of "Russian Army" and "Voyentorg." Management Press and Information of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

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