viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Aniversario en la flota del pacífico

Noticias Armada Rusa

Hoy se celebra el 82 aniversario del establecimiento de la flota del pacífico de la Armada Rusa y el ministerio de defensa lo decora con una galería fotográfica de la que ahí van algunos ejemplos ...

04.04.2014 (12:19)
Pacific Fleet Naval Aviation celebrates '82 April 4, 1932 at the headquarters of the naval forces of the Far East Department was established naval aviation. Baptism of fire aviation Pacific Fleet (PF) received in August 1938 during fierce  fighting near Lake Khasan . Aviators Pacific Fleet honorably fulfilled the order and defeat of militarist Japan. Until the end of the war the Air Force Pacific Fleet sank more than 30 transports, two destroyers and four tankers. For courage, bravery and military merit 8 parts were converted into guard, 2 divisions and 3 Regiment awarded honorary titles. 15 aviators were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. In the postwar period was the Pacific Fleet aviation jet, all-weather, missile-carrying.

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