lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

Rusia no pretende establecer bases en el extranjero

Noticias Fuerza Aérea Rusa

Sergei Lavorv, ministro de asuntos exteriores ruso, ha afirmado que los rumores sobre el establecimiento de bases en el extranjero son mentiras ...

Según el ministro, la Federación Rusa está negociando con varios países el establecimiento de facilidades para los buques en instalaciones ya existentes en estos territorios que puedan aliviar la estancia de las unidades navales rusas con atraque, mantenimiento, reparación o provisión de agua, comida y combustible ...

Lavrov: I have no plans of Russia to establish military bases abroad for example American
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, March 29. / ITAR-TASS /. Russia has no plans to build naval and military bases abroad by American example. This was stated by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview on "Saturday News Sergei Brilev."
Commenting on the information that Russia allegedly plans to open a base in the Seychelles, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Cuba and Argentina, Lavrov said: "This complete lie. We have no plans to create a naval and military bases abroad, in the sense in which you understand the term. "
"In Russia, much firmed navy, and I think that after the annexation of Crimea to Russia he will receive more opportunities for development, - the minister said. - In addition to the Black Sea Fleet we have another Far, North and others. For the state is very important that the fleet was at the highest level of training, especially because now not only have to cross the ocean for training and to solve very specific problems: the fight against piracy in the Gulf of Aden, the pirates appear in other parts of the world ocean. fleet makes long hikes. "
"We agree with some countries to our ships and naval vessels used already existing infrastructure for approach, maintenance, minor repairs, replenishment of food and water, crew rest - said Lavrov. - Neither of which the construction of bases for example American speech did not go. Of any agreements such as those concluded Americans, providing their troops immunity from any crimes on the territory of the host country, it is also not coming. "

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