miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

Rusia modernizará el radar Neman-P de Sary Shagan

Noticias Defensa Aérea

Según se ha anunciado esta pasada semana, Rusia modernizará la estación de radar ABM 5N16E Neman-P de Sary Shagan, en Kazajstán ...

La instalación se utilizó para monitorizar las pruebas con misiles balísticos que partían del polígono de Kapustin Yar y visto que ahora se van a modernizar probablemente podamos entender que se van a llevar cabo programas de esta categoría entre estos dos polígonos rusos ...

La información indica que la modernización estará completada en 2016.

En 2002 ya se llevó a cabo una modernización de las instalaciones de la estación radar 5N16E Neman-P de Sary Shagan:

Modernization RFCs "Neman-P" was successfully carried out in two stages. As a result, completed in 2005, the first phase of the modernization of the radar to replace the outdated computing system introduced a specialized computer system (CRS), which consists of several modern high-performance computers, providing estimates, registration, reservation, documentation, mapping and analysis of measurements. introduce a new functional software, which allowed for the receipt and processing of the necessary volume of information at high rates of measurements for each of the goals. In addition, with the introduction of ICS operating costs only for the consumed electricity dropped significantly. objectives of the second phase of modernization of RFCs "Neman-P" (which ended at the end of 2008) were:

More: http://www.vko.ru/oruzhie/neman-na-balhashe

Modernization of the radar "Neman-P"
Experimental test station Sary-Shagan (Kazakhstan) will be upgraded by 2016 , reported Interfax-Military News Agency on August 26, a representative of the press service and information to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Strategic Rocket Forces, Major Dmitry Andreev. " at the Sary Shagan a modernization of the experimental test radar "Neman-P", which will be completed by 2016. First of all, the modernization is aimed at expanding information opportunities and increase the borders of the station, extension of life and increase its operational reliability, "- said D. Andreev.
More: http://vpk-news.ru/news/21599
Read more: http: //vpk-news.ru/news/21599

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