jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014

Irán construye un "portaviones estadounidense": dilema resuelto (actualizado)


De acuerdo, el titular es bastante sensacionalista pero ahora lo entenderéis al ver esta imagen satélite de Digitalglobe...

... vemos las instalaciones del astilleros Gachin en Irán y lo que se aprecia a grandes rasgos son las formas aproximadas de un portaviones, quizá lo más cercano sea el estadounidense clase Nimitz...

Según analistas citados en el New York Times, no hablaríamos de un portaviones como tal sino de una suerte de maqueta a escala, eso sí, a una escala enorme porque mide unos 210 metros de eslora por unos 40 mts de ancho en su "cubierta de vuelo", o sea, que no es poca cosa...

...  supuestamente una imagen más reciente del "portaviones iraní"... 

... con más detalle... 

Nueva imagen del "portaaviones" iraní ya completado ... nuevo

... la imagen en gran formato:

Comparado con lo que se supone simula

... para qué quiere Irán este "Portaviones" ya queda para la especulación porque sería asombroso que estén invirtiendo en la construcción de "eso" sólo con fines propagandísticos ("nosotros también construímos portaviones" o cosas de ese pelo) o, dejando la puerta abierta a un uso práctico, como bancada de pruebas para sus sistemas antibuque/antiportaviones que tan de boga están en Irán como medida asimétrica contra la US NAVY.

Iranian Ship, in Plain View Shrouded in Mystery but, Looks Very Familiar to US 
WASHINGTON -  Iran  is Building A nonworking mock-up of an American Nuclear-Powered Aircraft carrier United States That Officials Say May be Intended to be Blown up for propaganda value.Intelligence Analysts studying Satellite Photos of Iranian Military Installations Noticed the first vessel from the Rising Gachin shipyard, near Bandar Abbas on the Persian Gulf, last summer. The ship has the same distinctive shape and style of the Navy's Nimitz-class carriers, as well as the Nimitz's number 68 neatly painted in white near the bow. Mock Aircraft can be Seen on the flight deck.Iranian The mock-up, Which American Officials Described as more like A barge than A Warship, has no Nuclear Propulsion system and is Only About two-Thirds of the length A typical 1,100-Foot- long Navy carrier. Intelligence Officials do not Believe That Iran is Capable of Building an actual Aircraft carrier."Based on our observations, this is not A FUNCTIONING Aircraft carrier; it's A large barge Built to Look like an Aircraft carrier," Said Cmdr. Jason Salata, a spokesman for the Navy's Fifth Fleet in Bahrain, across the Persian Gulf from Iran. "We're not sure what Iran hopes to gain by building this. If it is a big propaganda piece, to what end? "

... El artículo al completo en www.nytimes.com

Sea como fuere, el caso es que ahí tenemos ese lo que sea en grada en Gachin y aquí nadie da puntada sin hilo.

Probablemente la imagen que despeja todas las dudas sobre la construcción del "portaviones iraní" que seguimos sin conocer para qué lo han hecho pero que indudablemente lo han hecho ...

Quizá esta sea la respuesta, la solución, a esta maqueta... 

Iran says replica US aircraft carrier is really a movie prop
• US intelligence suspected ship was for propaganda use
• Film is about US shooting-down of Iranian airliner in 1988
A replica of a US aircraft carrier spotted near the coast of Iran is nothing more sinister than a movie set, Iranian media said on Sunday.
The New York Times, quoting US intelligence, said last week that the Iranians were building a mock-up of a US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, possibly so they could then blow it up for propaganda purposes.
Satellite photos showed what looked like one of the US Navy's Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, complete with planes, rising from Iran's Gachin shipyard, near the port of Bandar Abbas.
Iranian newspapers said it was "part of the decor" of a movie being made by the Iranian director Nader Talebzadeh on the 1988 shooting down of an Iran Air civilian plane by the USS Vincennes. The United States says the downing of the plane, which killed all 290 passengers and crew, was an accident.


... según esta información, la maqueta sería atrezzo para una película sobre el incidente del derribo de un avión de pasajeros iraní por parte de un buque de la US NAVY.

Otra imagen aún más espectacular que la anterior donde se ve qué están haciendo en el astillero de Gachin en Irán ...

... si realmente es atrezzo para una película sin duda va a pasar a la historia del cine.

Los guardianes de la revolución islámica iraníes desmienten la versión de atrezzo para una película...

... el comandante del IRGC-N Alí Fadavi ha afirmado que la maqueta de portaviones que se está construyendo es un equipo que será utilizado en el futuro para el entrenamiento de las fuerzas iraníes despejando las dudas y la polémica que hubo unas semanas atrás a cuenta de esta estructura, sobre todo la versión acerca de que fuese un decorado flotante para una película de cine...

Parece que definitivamente, el portaviones iraní se construye para practicas del IRGC ... 

Commander: IRGC Navy Can Sink US Warships in A Twinkling of An Eye 
The Admiral said his forces have, thus, been conducting routine drills on how to sink US vessels in any potential combat, specially in the Persian Gulf, adding that they have gained good knowledge of the "design, construction and structure of the US warships".
He said Iran has produced "replicas of the US aircraft carriers" for IRGC Navy drills. The Admiral, then, pointed to a CNN report in mid-March that Iran is building a replica of a US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, and said "the US media and research centers commented on the revelation very simplemindedly".
"They (Americans) know nothing. We have been making and sinking replicas of US destroyers, frigates and warships for long years, and we have sunk the replica of their vessels in 50 seconds through a series of operational measures," added Fadavi.
"We practice the same drills on replica aircraft carriers because sinking and destroying US warships has, is and will be on our agenda," he reiterated.He further said such drills have been conducted on a replica of a US warship 202m in length.
The CNN report said satellite photos showed what looked like one of the US Navy's Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, complete with planes, rising from Iran's Gachin shipyard, near the port of Bandar Abbas on the rims of the Persian Gulf.
The Admiral, whose forces are in charge of security in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, said when the US vessels intend to ferry across the waterway, they are contacted by the IRGC Navy troops who ask for the vessels' identity, purpose, and trafficking plan, and added, "If the US warships decline to respond, they will come to realize right-away that a large number of our vessels have surrounded them and/or our missiles are locked on them.""This, of course, does not happen generally," he explained, adding that his forces are in full control over the Strait of Hormuz.

Agencia FARS 

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