jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014

Botado el primer buque del proyecto 22100

Noticias FSB

En el astillero Zelenodolsk de Tatarstán se botó el buque cabeza de serie del proyecto 22100 'Okean' que servirá en el Guardafronteras del FSB ruso ...

Head guard ship "Ocean" solemnly launched
News date: 5/21/2014
May 21, 2014 on behalf of the factory Zelenodolsky AM Gorky " ( the enterprise is a group of companies JSC " Holding Company "Ak Bars") hosted a ceremony launching the cerebral border patrol vessel project 22100 "Ocean." Border patrol ship ( PSKR) new generation project  " Ocean "development of" CMDB " Almaz "  ( St. Petersburg) - the first ship of this type, designed in the modern history of Russia entirely on the requirements of a marine border ( Border Service of Russia). The ship is a multifunctional, has a high combat capability and is able to participate in full-scale rescue operations. On set of specifications ( speed - 20 knots, ice class, range - up to 12 thousand miles, autonomy - 60 days) " Ocean "has no analogues. PSKR main task " Ocean "- protection of the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation. Also expected to participate in ship rescue operations, search and rescue from the water surface crews and passengers in distress flying ships, ships, boats and other watercraft; assistance in extinguishing fires on ships, towing and maintenance of vessels in distress in places of shelter; ensuring actions of special forces of the FSB of Russia in the fight against terrorism and piracy, combating smuggling, drug trafficking, illegal migration. opening ceremony of launching the ship, general manager of Renat Mistahov, referring to plant workers, said: " We should be proud of you the first time that we build a ship of this displacement. We were able to do it! And I would like in this connection to express my gratitude to the leadership of Tatarstan, the Russian Federation, the customer in the face of the Border Service of Russia. And we, on our side, on the eve of the Border Guards Day (28 May), made ​​a gift to our border guards - was launched on the patrol ship! " Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan Ravil Zaripov said: " We have become accustomed to such events and system work with your factory. You plan as promised CEO, put in orders this year 6. It is the great merit of the factory workers, designers, customers. Plant increases volumes - this year, commercial production will be 16 billion rubles ( in the past - 11 billion rubles.), that is more than 40 percent growth for the year! This suggests that the team general manager, factory workers and shareholders actively attuned to what to move forward. "  


... La información al completo en www.zdship.ru

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2 comentarios:

  1. es idea mia o se construyo bastante rapido

  2. Hola

    La ceremonia de inicio de construcción fue el 30 de Mayo del 2012.

    Se bota el 21 de Mayo del 2014.

    Por lo tanto, casí dos años.


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