sábado, 24 de mayo de 2014

A finales de año comenzarán las entregas de Mi-171Sh para Perú


A finales de este año 2014 comenzarán a entregarse a Perú los primeros helicópteros de combate Mil Mi-171Sh de los 24 contratados ...

... En 2015 se completarán las entregas.

Delivery Mi-171SH in Peru will begin later this  Rosoboronexport is preparing for delivery in Peru 24 military transport helicopters Mi-171SH and plans next year to complete the execution of the contract
"We are starting to supply the Peruvian contract at the end of this year. And over the next year to complete them "- quoted by Interfax-AVN head of Rosoboronexport delegation at the exhibition HeliRussia-2014 Deputy Chief of the Export Department helicopters and services Vladislav Kuzmichyova. Earlier it was reported that in December 2013 Rosoboronexport signed with the Ministry of Defense of Peru contract to supply 24 military transport helicopters Mi-171SH. This deal was the largest in the modern history of military-technical cooperation with this country and one of the most important in the world market of military transport helicopters. In 2016, the Russian side within the offset program under the contract, will open in Peru comprehensive technical service center, which will be carried out maintenance and repair not only helicopters delivered under this contract, but also those that have been previously purchased. The center will be the property of the Ministry of Defense of Peru. 

More: http://vpk-news.ru/news/20407

... El artículo al completo en vpk-news.ru

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