viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

Se estrelló un Mi-17 de Bangladesh


El 13 de mayo del 2015 en la base de Chittatonge en Bangladesh, cerca del aeropuerto de Shah Amanat, se estrelló un helicóptero Mil Mi-171Sh de la Fuerza Aérea de Bangladesh ...

Los 3 ocupantes fueron trasladados al hospital de Dhaka en estado crítico.

A BAF Mi-171SH (#410) crashed just a while ago in Chittagong while
carrying out a scheduled ground run. While carrying out the ground run,
the helicopter deliberately lifted off of the ramp and got airborne. Pilot
attempted several approaches to bring it down but could not land the
helicopter. After many attempts while approaching the runway on its final
try the crew lost control and the chopper crashed. All 3 crews onboard
have been airlifted to Dhaka. They are in critical condition.
The remains of the aircraft can be seen burning here. Lets all pray for the
quick recovery of the souls onboard.

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