domingo, 9 de junio de 2013

Irán retirará su denuncia si Rosoboronexport cumple con lo firmado sobre las S-300


El embajador Iraní en Moscú, Rezza Sajjabi, ha afirmado que su país retirará la denuncia contra Rosoboronexport si estos cumplen el contrato de sistemas de defensa aérea S-300 firmados unos años atrás...

Envoy: Iran to Withdraw Complaint if Receives S-300 from RussiaTEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Ambassador to Moscow Reza Sajjadi announced Tehran's readiness to withdraw its lawsuit against Russia if the latter delivers the complicated S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems to Iran.The Iranian envoy's remarks came after Russian Technologies (Rostech) CEO Sergei Chemezov said on May 30 that Moscow seeks to reach a settlement with Tehran to withdraw its lawsuit against Russia's state-run arms export company Rosoboronexport over the canceled deal as Russia's chances "to win the case are very slim".
"If Iran sees that Russia has changed its position on the delivery of S-300 missile systems, the Islamic Republic will also change its conduct," Sajjadi told the Russian Interfax news agency.
He said that Iran resorted to judicial prosecution after Russia refused to deliver the systems to the Islamic Republic according to the stipulations of a previously signed contract.
Under a contract signed in 2007, Russia was required to provide Iran with at least five S-300 air-defense systems. However, Moscow's continued delays in delivering the defense system drew criticism from the Islamic Republic on several occasions.
"Under the contract, if either party fails to abide by the obligations assumed, the other party will have the right to turn to court," Sajjadi said. 

... la noticia al completo en 

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