viernes, 7 de junio de 2013

Finalizó en EEUU la conferencia para plantear los ejercicios Vigilant Eagle 2013


En Colorado Springs, EEUU, finalizó la conferencia para establecer lo necesario para desarrollar los ejercicios Ruso-Canado-Estadounidenses 'Vigilant Eagle 2013' a llevar a cabo por aviones AWACS A-50 rusos y E-3A estadounidenses siendo monitorizados desde Jabarovks en la Federación Rusa y Colorado Springs desde EEUU...

Russian-U.S. Vigilant Eagle anti-terrorist aircraft to be held in August
A conference to plan the anti-terrorist Exercise Vigilant Eagle 2013 of the Air Forces of Russia, the United States and Canada has ended in Colorado Springs, Interfax-AVN was told at the Russian Defense Ministry press service.
"The sides agreed on the tentative time of the exercise - between August 26 and 30, 2013," a press officer said.
"Representatives of the Russian Defense Ministry and the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) worked out the scenario f the exercise, approved the list of forces and means to be involved, the procedure of navigation support, the organization of communications, interaction and security," the press officer said.
In addition to interceptors and aircraft acting as hijacked planes the exercise will also involve A-50 aircraft of the Russian Air Force and E-3A AWACS aircraft of the North American side for purposes of guaranteeing security and exchanging information.
The main command posts will be established in Khabarovsk and Colorado Springs and auxiliary posts in Anadyr and Anchorage for the time of the exercise.

... la noticia al completo en 

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