sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014

Han desaparecido misiles antiaéreos de unidades ucranianas


Durante las revueltas en Ucrania se ha robado una cantidad no precisada de misiles antiaéreos portátiles (MANPADs) de unidades ucranianas, como 27 ª brigada independiente o el 80 º regimiento aerotransportado.

... Estos sistemas representan una gran amenaza para la aviación. Particularmente para la civil aunque también la aviación militar táctica como el apoyo aéreo cercano (CAS) son sus principales objetivos ...

During the unrest in Ukraine could steal missiles
KIEV, March 8 - RIA Novosti.  During the events in Ukraine from military depots was stolen a few perhaps even a few tens of man-portable air defense systems "Igla", RIA Novosti senior Ukrainian military.
According to this information, the lack of MANPADS, in particular, registered in the 80th separate airmobile regiment, where there were 54 sets, and in the 27-th separate mobile brigade stationed 45 kilometers from Lviv, where he keeps 90 MANPADS.
According to the source, the new leadership of Ukraine Ministry of Defense is taking urgent measures to "camouflage this difficult situation," old and experienced instances of this type of weapon.
La noticia ... al completo en  ria.ru

1 comentario:

  1. Joder era lo que faltaba, a ver donde aparecen. A río revuelto ganancia de pescadores. Ucrania ya sirvió para armar varias guerras en África........
