jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014

Vuelta al servicio del Evgeniy Koceshkov

Noticias Armada Rusa

El hovercraft proyecto 12322 'Evgeniy Kocheshkov' MDK-50 ha vuelto al servicio con la 7 ª División de la Flota del Báltico de la Armada Rusa tras su paso por el astillero Yantar de Kaliningrado para su puesta a punto, incluyendo la sustitución del colchón de "goma" tan relacionado con este tipo de embarcaciones ...

11/03/2014 (15:07)
Landing ship of the Baltic Fleet "Eugene Kocheshkov" arrived at his permanent home after repair
small landing craft air cushion (MDKVP) "Eugene Kocheshkov" arrived at its permanent home - in connection amphibious ships of the Baltic Fleet (BF) - after the repairs at the Baltic Shipyard factory "Amber."
In the factory, a large volume of works on repair of propulsion ship, the works on the case, replace the rubber guard (so-called "skirt"), through which creates an air cushion.
Currently crew MDKVP "Eugene Kocheshkov" started elements for mining course task K-1 (under the base), after the date which the sailors will perform assigned tasks single marine landfills BF.
"Eugene Kocheshkov" and fungible with him MDKVP "Mordovia" - the world's biggest landing craft air pillow.  Reference: MDKVP "Eugene Kocheshkov" - small landing hovercraft project 12322 "Bison". Designed for reception equipped or unequipped shore naval assault units with combat equipment, transport by sea, landing on the coast of the enemy and fire support desantiruemye troops. Due to the design features of the air cushion can move on the ground, avoiding small obstacles (ditches and trenches) and minefields move through the swamps and landed troops in the rear of the enemy. MDKVP for "Bison" is available for landings and 70% of the total length of the coastline of the seas and oceans of the world. Press Service of the Western Military District

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