Noticias Nucleares
En 1987 en la zona del Mar de Ojotsk, un helicóptero estaba trasladando uno de los famosos generadores radioactivos o nucleares de los que se instalaron en las zonas más extremas de la URSS para abastecer de electricidad a faros e instalaciones automáticas de todo tipo en áreas remotas del país ...

... el caso es que el helicóptero llevaba suspendida la carga y, a causa de una tormenta, la perdió en un área de mar, zona que quedó bien determinada para, cuando se pudiera, recuperar el artilugio. El problema vino con la caída de la URSS que dejó para otro momento una pila de cosas, entre ellas la búsqueda de éste y otros generadores nucleares ...
La situación es que no se ha encontrado el generador hundido en Sajalin y es el que falta de los 148 contabilizados:
- 94 están en FGUP DalRAO de Fokino
-52 Están en OAO NIITFA de Moscú
-1 Almacenado temporalmente en Sovestkaya Gava
- El que falta, el n º 26, que está perdido en la zona de Sajalin en el extremo oriental ruso
Dese que se perdió se han lleado a cabo 3 expediciones para encontrarlo en 2004, 2005 y 2009 utilizando varias soluciones pero ninguna ha podido dar con el, quizá porque a estas alturas esté cubierto por lodos o arenas, tras varias décadas de sufrir los embates del mar, y hacen inviables los métodos de detección utilizados.
Pacific Fleet refuses to seek RTGs
Sakhalin company that insists on looking for "39 radioisotope generators" leadership PAC accuses commercialism
History finding lost off the coast of Sakhalin radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) will be continued. Rather, the response received from the Government of the Sakhalin Region Pacific Fleet Headquarters in response to the invitation to take part in an expedition to identify objects in Aniva Bay RTGs are supposedly detected by the method of remote sensing (RS) can be regarded as a point, but knowing enthusiasm and penetrative qualities of the participants of this epic, we must recognize that in the best case, the military put the dots.
Recall that on RTGs on Sakhalin said second decade. It is known that the military either lost, or accidental discharges into the sea installation that could potentially be causing radioactive contamination waters. But where exactly are RTGs and how much in general - is the cause of endless debate. One party - the military claimed that the generator in the sea now, after in 2008 raised the RTG at Cape Maria, only one remained - near Cape Low, and the second - Vyacheslav Fedorchenko led by LLC "Oboronkonvers" that 39, and only three RTGs Aniva Bay. The difference, as you can see substantial. At the same time, Vyacheslav Fedorchenko argues that due to its method of remote sensing of the earth, he found exactly where lie installation.
RTG Subject periodically pops up in the media, it is discussed at different levels of government. Last time in the regional Duma were talking about them in early June. In addition, supporters of Vyacheslav Fedorchenko, and among them the most active - deputy Svetlana Ivanova, insisted on finding a maximum of 39 and a minimum - three RTGs in Aniva Bay. Oh, and bring to the operation of the Pacific Fleet, as the culprit of all the problems.
Military, by the way, proved to be ambiguous in this story - to disclose information about their RTGs oblige even with the help of the court. But now they are responding to the treatment JI stating the possible expedition to the waters of the village Kirillovo Anivskogo area where supposedly lie generators. This letter, rather irritated, it unambiguously military say they think the story of the RTGs.
"Pacific Fleet sharply reacts negatively to conduct said expedition, because it has the sad experience of the search for RTG so-called" method "Mr. Fedorchenko more since 2004 .
Referring to the facts. In 2004, VL Fedorchenko was head of Sakhalin Branch Research Institute of Mechanization (SF KNIIM) subsequently converted to LLC "Oboronkonvers" with the same state employees, but not professional, no technical means and without any scientific potential.
In 2004, the Pacific Fleet Hydrographic Service (GSTOF) and SK KNIIM concluded an agreement on search and recovery of RTGs at Cape Maria. Search was unsuccessful, RTG was not detected. Nevertheless, Mr. Fedorchenko managed to convince the necessary authority to the contrary. Lifting RTG was postponed to 2005. Obtained for this purpose 1.8 million rubles were SF leadership KNIIM spent in vain, but it seemed a little Fedorchenko. He insisted on the allocation of additional funds, but the HS PAC, within the contract and legal documents, additional funding denied.
Previously supports SF KNIIM Krasnoarmeisky Institute of Mechanization, analyzed the situation and refused to help Mr. Fedorchenko specialists and equipment. Only adinistratsiya Sakhalin region through MOE provided SF KNIIM means to perform your search. In August 2005, the district likely flooding RTG was examined by the proposed method object is not found. August 12, 2005 Fedorchenko left the vessel, and in the fall provided "Progress Report." Independent experts - RRC "Kurchatov Institute" and 288 polygon MO critical assessment of submissions with the conclusion: advertising materials contain information and can not be considered reportable. Thereafter Fedorchenko changed sign with SF KNIIM at «Oboronkonvers" and with an energy worthy of a better, started whipping through radio-phobia stories in the media about the dangers of radiation hazard from the actual and allegedly dumped objects of impending environmental catastrophe, the growth of cancer. This apology, in our opinion, has a unique purely mercantile purpose: to draw attention to the company "Oboronkonvers" and provide funding.
In 2009, director of the Institute of Marine Technology Problems of RAS, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor LA Naumov, please read the proposed Fedorchenko methodology and technology to search for objects based on remote sensing data, stated that the proposed method has no scientific justification, lightweight and not confirmed in practice.
Said of the scientific community is shared by all concerned bodies of military management of the fleet. This was back in 2011 adequately answered and said the commander of the Pacific Fleet Vice Admiral SI Avyakyantsa deputy SV Ivanova, who presented us with the question of the appropriateness test fleet data provided by the General Director of LLC "Oboronkonvers" VL Fedorchenko of a flooded RTGs in the waters near the former settlement Kirillovo Anivskogo district.
should be remembered that all RTGs are on the strictest state accounting, regulation relevant legal documents on the organization of the system of state accounting and control of radioactive substances.
Thus, of 148 received the Navy RTGs:
- 94 RTGs put in temporary storage in FSUE "DalRAO" (CATF Fokino)
- 52 RTGs transferred for further disposal of "NIITFA" (Moscow)
- 1 RTG is on site for temporary storage in Sovetskaya Gavan;
- 1 RTG (EVI number 26) crashes near Cape reset Low. Said RTG included in the "Register of underwater, potentially dangerous objects in the internal sea waters and territorial sea of the Russian Federation" Russian Emergency Situations Ministry to assign a log number 531.
... El artículo al completo en
... y hay dos problemas potenciales:
1º La contaminación de la zona por la exposición tras la corrosión de la envoltura del generador
2º La menos probable, el robo del generador para acceder a material radiactivo y así poder liarla con un atentado o, simplemente, vendiendo en el mercado negro el material.
ResponderEliminarsi son maquinas muy interesantes pero como dices tienen problemas potenciales .
en el link de informacion que adjuntaste , se ve que cada maquina tiene mas o menos 10 % de conversion de energia y es algo notable para algo estatico e independiente del clima.(habran datos sobre 1990)
de los 148 generadores ,supongo que fueron desplegados el año 87 (no esta claro) y aprox. el 2000 se dieron de baja para reemplazo .si es haci que maquinas usan actualmente para resolver el problema de puestos remotos.