miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

El Viernes se bota la Fragata Almirante Grigorovich

Noticias Armada Rusa

La que será primera fragata proyecto 11356 modificado para la Armada Rusa será botada el Viernes -14 de Marzo del 2014 - en el astillero Yantar de Kaliningrado ...

... la fragata Almirante Grigorovich será el primer relevo tecnológico de la flota del Mar Negro que está de actualidad a cuenta de la crísis en Ucrania. La primera de 6 buques.

11356 modificado

New warship to Russia's Black Sea Fleet was launched on March 14
Moscow. March 12. INTERFAX.RU - Solemn ceremony of launching the patrol ship "Admiral Grigorovich" Project 1135.6 intended for the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) will be held on Friday at the Shipyard "Yantar" in Kaliningrad, the Russian Defense Ministry informs.
"Total for the Russian Black Sea Fleet will built six ships of this project. Till the end of 2016 ships alternately, after testing, will come into operation in the Black Sea Fleet, "-" Interfax "a representative of the press service and information on the Defense Ministry of the Navy on Wednesday.
According to the High Command of the Navy "Project 1135.6 patrol ships will be effective completion of surface forces and the Black Sea Fleet will expand the range of tasks that performs its operations in the Black Sea Fleet area of responsibility," the spokesman said.

... La información al completo en www.interfax.ru 

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