Noticias Armada Rusa
Según ha informado el astillero Zvezdochka de Severodvinsk, Federación Rusa, el primer submarino modernizado del proyecto 971, el K-328 'Leopardo', será entregado en 2015 tras una extensiva modernización a nivel 971M ...
... los trabajos van con retraso. Los trabajos se centran en la instalación de sistemas electrónicos más avanzados así como al armamento; torpedos y misiles. Incluyendo el sistema Caliber PL (la versión de exportación es el Club S) ...
Misil Crucero de tierra de Ataque A (LACM) 3M14E
Misil de crucero supersónico antibuque 3M-54E
Misil de crucero subsónico antibuque 3M-54E1

Severodvinsk shipbuilders must pass the first Russian Navy multipurpose nuclear submarine of project 971 "Leopard" after extensive modernization in 2015 ARKhANGEL'SK February 13. (ARMS-TASS). Shipbuilders Shipyard "Ship Repair Centre" Star "(Severodvinsk) in 2015 must pass the Russian Navy after extensive modernization first multipurpose nuclear submarine (APL) Project 971 third generation" Leopard. "On this day corr. ITAR-TASS reported in the press service of the plant.
Modernization will scale - new project to 971M. It will affect all electronic weapons systems, as well as rocket-torpedo complex. "Unfortunately work behind schedule, but so far it is not critical," - noted in the enterprise.
"Basic reason for the lag - systematic delay of design documentation from the designer SPMBM "Malachite", - the press-service. - Ship for us a new and complex, it is impossible to foresee all, so many issues delayed by an average month. "On" Zvezdochka "restore only a small part of the equipment. Repair and manufacture of most of the ship's systems will be engaged in more than 30 contractors." Following the first-born - "Leopard" in the queue waiting for the modernization of three more ships of this project: one from the Northern and Pacific fleets with two, "- said the press service of" star. "