Al verle lo primero que viene a la cabeza es el J-20 pero tienen demasiadas diferencias:
Aunque el nuevo diseño es enorme:
Con el prueba y error que tienen en marcha los chinos eso que vemos puede ser cualquier cosa. No hay noticias de que trabajen en un nuevo diseño porque tienen al J-20 y al J-35. Pudiera ser un drone o un blanco aéreo stealth, esperemos que se vaya conociendo más información.
En 2018 el primer bombardero Tupolev Tu-160M2 para la VKS rusa puede llevar a cabo su primer vuelo y se espera que la producción en serie de estos aviones pueda iniciarse en 2020 ...
La verdad es que tengo ganas de ver qué le modifican al Tu-160... si es que hay cambios estructurales significativos, aparte de la aviónica o el armamento.
También será interesante saber donde van a desplegar todos estos aviones porque no creo que se queden en Engels ( enlace ).
Mitad y mitad sería una solución. Mitad en Engels, zona europea, y la otra mitad en la zona oriental, en la zona asiática.
El primero de producción llegará a la VKS en 2021...
Nuevo aporte desde Irán. En esta ocasión vemos el UCAV Karrar con un misil bajo el fuselaje y nuevo camuflaje durante la visita del mandamás de turno...
Anteriormente le vimos con una bomba convencional bajo el fuselaje...
Iran Displays Combat Drone Armed with Home-Made Missiles TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran displayed its advanced home-made combat drone, Karrar, in camouflage color and armed with anti-aircraft missiles in an Exhibition in Tehran on Saturday. Karrar was displayed during Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s visit to the Defense Industries Exhibition today. Karrar is capable of carrying a military payload of 500 kilograms to carry out bombing missions against ground targets. It is also capable of flying long distances at very high speed. The drone has a flying range of 1,000 kilometers and a top speed of 900 kilometers per hour. Iran has recently made giant advancements in aerospace industries, specially in designing and manufacturing pilotless drones. In September 2012, Iran announced that it has started using UAVs in its air defense units as part of its broader plans for strengthening the country's air defense capability. In December 2013, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said the IRGC is capable of mounting guided missiles and bombs on its drones. “We have recently acquired the capability to mount guided and precision-targeting missiles with pinpointing capability and bombs on drones, which is actually among branches of advanced hi-tech in this field,” Jafari told reporters in Tehran in December. He referred to Iran’s latest achievements in building drones, and said, “Our latest achievement in this regard is a drone which can fly for 30 hours and high-speed engines can increase its range.” Also in November, Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan announced that Iran's new drone enjoys unique strategic capabilities, including 30-hour-long flight durability, and has been developed for combat and surveillance missions. Dehqan said the new drone, ‘Fotros’, has been designed and built by the Iranian Airplane Manufacturing Industries Company affiliated to the Defense Ministry’s Aviation Industries in cooperation with knowledge-based companies and academic centers and on the basis of the needs of the country’s Armed Forces. “This strategic drone has an operational range of 2,000 kilometers, and can fly to a ceiling of 25,000 feet in altitude for 16 to 30 hours, and these specifications enable it to conduct combat missions in addition to surveillance and reconnaissance missions," Dehqan said addressing a ceremony held in Tehran to unveil the new drone.
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