sábado, 15 de marzo de 2014

Dirigibles rusos para monitorizar el ártico

Noticias Defensa Aérea

Una comisión gubernamental rusa ha propuesto desplegar dirigibles como medida para controlar el ártico; tanto instalaciones civiles (plataformas de petróleto, etc) como militares (bases, estaciones radar, etc) planteando un potencial despliegue en 2016...

Airships for Russian Arctic patrol
A Russian governmental commission proposes to deploy a series of airships in Arctic regions, designed for surveillance of oil installations and military objects.he deployment of the airships should start already in 2016, the Government Military-Industrial Commission writes in a new report. The flying objects should be equipped with thermal cameras, laser devices, radio locators and video cameras, newspaper Izvestiareports.If mass-produced, the airships will be a highly cost-efficient way to monitor Arctic developments, the report argues. The document was presented at the recent Economic Forum in Krasnoyarsk. The technology applied can be based on unmanned models developed by DKBA - the only state-owned enterprise in Russia engaged in the development of airships and other aeronautic equipment.
... la información al completo en barentsobserver.com

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