miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

El Vladivostok será armado en San Petersburgo

Noticias Armada Rusa

Cuando Francia entregue el buque Vladivostok del tipo Mistral a la Armada Rusa éste será enviado a San Petersburgo donde se mantendrá un año hasta que la Corporación de construcción naval rusa lo dote de los equipos necesarios para adecuarlo al uso en la Armada Rusa, incluyendo el armamento ...

"Vladivostok" equip Russian weapons in Kronstadt According to Interfax-AVN, the first of two landing helicopter type "Mistral" "Vladivostok", under construction in France, after the transfer of the Russian Defense Ministry will develop during the year Russian weapons, said the vice-president of the SDO MTC and United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) Igor Ponomarev
"The first ship will be on our shipyard, where we integrate Russian weapons, which could not take abroad. Work is big enough. Need about a year to bring the vehicle under the Ministry of Defense standards and requirements, "- said Ponomarev.
He recalled that the French shipyard gives year warranty on helicopter. "The ship should not stand, he must go to sea, and we have a break between the outputs should conduct their work on the integration of weapons, otherwise we will lose the guarantee", - said Ponomarev.
about him, the first ship will be delivered in Kronstadt, to work on the ship will involve experts "Northern shipyard", as well as co-operation of all the north-western region.
Earlier it was reported that helicopter "The Vladivostok" will be given rossyskoy side until the end of 2014. The ship enters the Pacific Fleet.

More: http://vpk-news.ru/news/18977

More: http://vpk-news.ru/news/18977

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