martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

India modernizará 600 tanques T-90


El ministerio de defensa Indio ha anunciado un concurso para modernizar 600 tanques T-90 que tendrá un presupuesto de 250 millones de $ (416.000 $ dólares por vehículo), se tiene que llevar a cabo en menos de 3 años y en el que sólo podrán participar compañías indias ...

India will upgrade 600 T-90 tanks
Indian Ministry of Defence has announced a tender for the modernization of 600 main battle tanks T-90, according to Defense News. On planned to spend over $ 250 million. Invitations to tender were sent only to national defense companies. According to the plans Command Indian Army, modernization of T-90 tanks to be carried out over no more than three years.
Upgraded T-90 should get the air-conditioning system, which is engaged in the development of the Organization Defence Research and Development (DRDO) of India. In addition, it is planned to replace the existing system of protection for tanks, navigation equipment, thermal imaging sights and fire control systems. A tender was made ​​possible after Russia and India agreed on intellectual property rights.
Earlier DRDO has already received job Indian Defence Ministry to install the T-90 air conditioners, but these works were not completed because Russia banned Indian specialists intervene in construction tanks. The reason for the ban was the protection of intellectual property rights. Shortly thereafter, India appealed to Russia to install air conditioning in the T-90, but the contract for the work was not signed.

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