jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

Concurso para el programa Ptichka-VVS

Noticias Fuerza Aérea Rusa

Rosoboronpostavka ha anunciado el concurso para desarrollar la versión de entrenamiento ligero del Yakovlev Yak-152 para la VVS Rusa bajo el programa 'Ptichka-VVS' al que se le asignan 300 millones de rublos (unos 10 millones de $) ...

Defense Ministry announced a tender for the establishment of a training aircraft Yak-152 Rosoboronpostavka announced an open tender for the execution of development work under the code "Bird-Air" to create a light training aircraft Yak-152 for the needs of the Defense Ministry . Relevant Documents are available on the Official portal of Public procurement, Reports  ITAR-TASS . " Yak-152 is designed for initial flight training, Professional and Vocational qualification training future Pilots of Military Aircraft " , - Stated in the Bidding Documents. Yak- 152 will eksplua an oriented flight training in institutions of the Defense Ministry, as well as aero DOSAAF organizations and other governmental organizations. contract for the creation of a piston training aircraft picked MoD 300 million rubles. Plane must pass state tests and be accepted into service no later than 25 November 2016.



Ironicamente, la versión China estará preparada antes que la rusa, el Hongdu L-7 ....

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