miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

Kalina: módulo AIP para los submarinos rusos

Noticias Armada Rusa

Según el comandante de la Armada Rusa, Victor Chirkov, el ministerio de defensa ruso está desarrollando un nuevo sistema de propulsión (AIP) para sus submarinos no-nucleares que estará finalizado en 2015 a 2016 y comenzará a producirse en 2016 a 2017. El primero será instalado en el segundo submarino proyecto 677...

New non-nuclear submarine create a cipher "Kalina"
New non-nuclear submarines fifth generation airindependent powerplant will be developed for the Russian Navy under the code "Kalina". On this, as reported by  RIA Novosti , said Russian Navy Commander Admiral Viktor Chirkov. According to him, the development of new propulsion system for submarines is already underway on the instructions of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.
Development airindependent power plant is scheduled for completion in the 2015-2016 year. The experimental setup is mounted on the second submarine of Project 677 "Lada". According CHirkova first new submarine with airindependent power plant will be built for the Russian Navy in the 2016-2017 year. Thereby be able to achieve a reduction in the period between the start of the design of the submarine and the completion of its construction, Teals did not elaborate.

... Artículo al completo en lenta.ru 

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