domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

Lanzamiento de una munición real durante un entrenamiento de la Royal Navy

Noticias Royal Navy

Durante un entrenamiento en Plymouth la fragata britántica HMS Argyll lanzó un torpedo con carga explosiva que acabó enpotrándose en la malla de seguridad del puerto sin que causase daños graves o heridos. Por lo que ha trascendido, lo operarios del buque confundieron la munición real con la versión que la simula y lo demás fue fruto de la casualidad...

Torpedo de entrenamiento

HMS Argyll navy torpedo fired into Devonport wharf
A Royal Navy warship torpedo was accidentally fired into a dockyard wharf, it has emerged.
HMS Argyll was on a "training exercise" at Devonport dockyard in Plymouth when the torpedo "unexpectedly jettisoned onto the wharf", said the Royal Navy.
It said the Test Variant Torpedo was a dummy weapon with no explosive content, but it did cause minor damage.
There were no casualties involved in the incident on Wednesday, but training has been suspended.'Avoid any repeat'The navy said the torpedo flew "a couple of metres" through the air before becoming caught in fencing on the wharf.
No-one was on the jetty at the time of firing, the navy confirmed.
"The torpedo caused minor damage to an adjacent security fence inside the naval base where it landed," it said in a statement.
"The result of the investigation will determine what actions will be necessary to avoid any repeat of this incident in the future."
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