viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014

Comienzan los ejercicios "LADOGA 2014"

Noticias Fuerza Aérea Rusa

En el aeropuerto de Karelia-Besovets (Petrozavodsk) en el distrito militar Oeste comenzaron los ejercicios aéreos de la VVS Rusa "LADOGA 2014" en el que tomarán parte unos 50 aviones de combate de los modelos Sujoi SU-27, MiG-31BM y MiG-29SMT, según informó el ministerio de defensa ruso ...

03/21/2014 (13:03) In WEST began teaching with fighter aircraft "Ladoga-2014"
Today in the Western Military District (WEST) at the military airport in Karelia Besovets began teaching with the fighter aircraft of the Western Military District (WEST) "Ladoga-2014".
To participate in the teaching on their military vehicles arrived fighter pilots of aviation units WEST stationed in Murmansk, Tver and Kursk regions.
Teachings will be held during the week of the landfill and the coastal area of ​​Lake Ladoga. Pilots Association Air Force and Air Defense District on the MiG-29 SMT and MiG-31BM, and various versions of the Su-27 will conduct live fire, launches missiles and spent a number of elements of air combat.
About 50 fighter pilots will improve the skills of detection of air attack conventional enemy, intercept and destroy them at any time. At the same time they will perform one of the most difficult exercises, when the leading aviation unit produces light bomb, illuminating the ground surface, and its slaves must destroy all detected targets.
Launches air targets will be carried out from a height of more than 10 thousand meters with Su-27 aircraft equipped with special equipment for bomb armament suspension. As air targets will be used bombs, presented in the form of garlands with glowing elements.
Fighter pilots have daily experience firings, commit their first night, and the young pilots of aircraft armament apply in practice.
Feature air exercises held annually "Ladoga" is that the location of the target and its characteristics of military pilots until the signal is not informed and independently carry out its search and interception, while in the zone of combat duty in the air. Also pilots choose the most effective weapons of the detected targets depending on the situation.
By the results of firings, after parsing all stages teachings Qualifications Commission WEST young pilots get admission to alert duty on the air space of the Russian Federation.
Press office of the Western Military District

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