viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014

La flota submarina rusa se quedará en Sevastopol

Noticias Armada Rusa

El cambio de bandera en Crimea y Sevastopol va a dar un vuelco a muchas cosas. Una de las que se han anunciado en las últimas horas es que pese a que los trabajos en la base naval de Novorossiysk continuarán las unidades submarinas de la flota dle Mar Negro serán desplegadas en Sevastopol ...

Nuevas instalaciones en Novorossiysk

In Sevastopol, the compound will be restored submarines See the original material on Moscow. March 21. INTERFAX.RU - Compound submarines Russian Black Sea Fleet will be re-formed in Sevastopol, Novorossiysk and not, as previously planned, "Interfax-AVN" on Friday, the Chief of Staff of the Navy. "New boats that will soon begin to enter the Black Sea Fleet, enter into a newly created team. decided that it will not be based in Novorossiysk supposed recently, and in its historic location - in Sevastopol, "- said the agency interlocutor. representative of the General Staff of the Navy said that "a new connection will not return to Balaclava , which in Soviet times was the division, and will be formed in the South Bay city where heroes were also based submarine. "

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2 comentarios:

  1. Algún constructor y varios comerciantes estarán pidiendo devolver Crimea a Ucrania... ;P

  2. Hola

    Ya me imagino. Mientras tanto, EEUU va a presionar al máximo y ha decidido no exportar muñecos de Mickey Mouse a la Federación Rusa.

    Putin está preocupado por el nuevo giro de la crísis, como es fácil de entender.


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