miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

Finlandia podría adquirir misiles balísticos rusos


Defensenews saltó la liebre al anunciar unos días atrás que ante el alto coste del sistema estadounidense ATACMS Finlandia suspendía su adquisición...

... el asombro viene porque, según Defensenews, Finlandia podría adquirir misiles balísticos rusos en sus sustitución insinuando que estos podrían ser los archiconocidos Iskander E ...

Fotogramas capturados de un vídeo publicado en:

... suena disparatado pero viendo cómo están las cosas pues que a nadie le sorprenda.

Finns May Turn to Russia for Tactical Missile System
HELSINKI — The likelihood of Finland acquiring a new surface-to-surface missile system from Russia has increased following a preliminary decision by the Finance Ministry here to opt for a more up-to-date and cost-efficient launcher-fired tactical missile.
The ministry’s decision happens against a backdrop where the government has announced more than $3 billion in public spending cuts across various departments as the government struggles to tame rising national debt.
The search for a “more cost-efficient” tactical missile means that Finland has effectively dropped its interest in Lockheed Martin’s surface-to-surface MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) for the Finnish Army.
Finland’s Ministry of Defense had signaled interest in acquiring the ATACMS as recently as January, setting aside a budget of about $140 million for the purpose. The ATACMS has a range of up to 188 miles (300 kilometers).
“The missile project has been put on hold due to budgetary reasons, and due to the high unit price,” said Arto Koski, a commercial adviser attached to the MoD’s Material and Projects Unit. “The ATACMS is a very expensive and relatively old system. We must now evaluate our entire material development.”
The focus has shifted, Koski said, to acquiring a surface-to-surface missile solution that is “more modern and affordable. We know of alternatives that would fulfill the same technological need.”
... el artículo al completo en www.defensenews.com

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