viernes, 18 de abril de 2014

Se estrelló un caza jordano


En Jordania el jueves a las 8:00 horas un caza F-5 de la fuerza aérea se estrelló durante la fase de aterrizaje de un vuelo de entrenamiento...

... El piloto, teniente de 1 ª Hazem Ahmad 

Pilot Killed in Military Plane Crash Jordan
A Jordanian air Force plane on A training flight crash Landed on Thursday, killing the pilot, the Army Said.
"At around 8 o'clock am (0500 GMT), a group of F-5 jet fighters were A training flight on one of Them When crashed After it hit the Ground in eastern Jordan, "the Army Said on ITS Website.
The pilot, First Lieutenant Hazem Ahmad Matar, WAS Killed, it Said, Without Giving further details.

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