jueves, 17 de abril de 2014

Incidente ruso-lituano en el mar

Noticias Armada Rusa

Según la versión lituana, durante unas maniobras en el Báltico dos buques de la Armada Rusa entraron en la zona económica lituana molestando el tráfico marítimo civil ya que se trataba de unas maniobras de tiro. Los lituanos enviaron un buque -LNS Suduvis- y un helicóptero Mil Mi-8 para capear con el incidente...

LNS Suduvis

... antes de que llegase el buque lituano los rusos habían dejado la zona.

Lithuania Dispatches Warship After Claiming Russian Disturbance 
 Lithuania dispatched a warship and a helicopter to the Baltic Sea after the government said a Russian military vessel disturbed civilian shipping in the area.
The Defense Ministry in Vilnius said it was seeking to secure the country’s economic zone after the Russian vessel yesterday ordered civilian ships to change course because of shooting exercises. The disturbance ended before the minehunter Suduvis arrived and made radio contact, Vaidotas Linkus, a spokesman for the ministry in Vilnius, said today by telephone.
Lithuania, an ex-Soviet NATO member that borders Russia’s Kaliningrad exclave, is beefing up its defenses because of the escalating conflict over Ukraine. The U.S.-led military alliance has doubled its commitment of fighters jets based in the country. While Russian ships have permission to enter the Lithuanian zone, they aren’t allowed to divert other ships, Linkus said.
“We hope Russia will in the future cooperate more actively and inform Lithuania about its actions during military exercises to avoid unnecessary speculations,” Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius said today, the BNS news service reported.
... el artículo al completo en www.bloomberg.com

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