lunes, 14 de abril de 2014

Presencia naval extranjera en el Mar Negro (actualizado)


Esta entrada pretende mostrar la presencia de buques de países sin litoral en el Mar negro que se hayan desplegado en este área.

El destructor estadounidense USS Donald Cook estará en el puerto de Constanza hasta el día 17 de Abril...  nuevo

Американский эсминец "Дональд Кук" зашел в румынский порт
Стамбул. 14 апреля. ИНТЕРФАКС - Эсминец ВМС США "Дональд Кук", зашедший на минувшей неделе в акваторию Черного моря, прибыл в понедельник порт Констанца, сообщают румынские СМИ.
По имеющимся данным, корабль пробудет в румынском порту до 17 апреля. Планируется, что "Дональд Кук" примет участие в совместных с румынскими кораблями военных учениях в территориальных водах Румынии, а также в международных водах.

El día 15 no entrará la fragata francesa D641 Dupleix ...

Defense Ministry: French destroyer enters the Black Sea before evening April 15
MOSCOW, April 14. / ITAR-TASS /. French Navy destroyer "Duplex" earlier Tuesday evening, April 15, in the Black Sea will not. Told Itar-Tass source in the Russian Defense Ministry.
"Earlier it was planned that" Duplex "will go to the Black Sea on April 14, but this does not happen. Who is the French destroyer in the Mediterranean, in the area of Cyprus, so his arrival in the Black Sea region perhaps not until the evening on April 15, "- said the agency interlocutor.
"So now in the Black Sea in connection with the events in Ukraine continues to be the grouping of NATO ships in the three units - the USS" Donald Cook "High intelligence ship" Dupuy de Lom "and rescue vessel" Alize "French Navy" - summed up the source. He recalled that the warships entered the Black Sea each other with a small time interval of 10 April, and the ship is there from the end of March.

France sent to the Black Sea ASW frigate C Monday, April 14, in the Black Sea will be anti-French frigate, the Internet portal of the French Scientific Committee and the Strategic Defense Analyses "Anti-submarine frigate Dupleix from April 14 to May 1, will perform its tasks in the Black Sea - the report says. - Navy France deploy significant resources for exploration in the Black Sea, while the Russian Navy as a military mobilizes significant naval assets near the Ukraine. "

D641 Dupleix

... Con lo que los buques que excepcionalmente estarán en el Mar Negro el día 15 de Abril serán:

Destructor USS Donald Cook (EEUU)

Buque AGI Dupuy de Lome (Francia)

Buque "AGI" Alizé (Francia)

1 comentario:

  1. Por lo que he leído, el Alizé se dedica a apoyar a buzos en operaciones encubiertas...
    Seguramente se podrá usar p más cosas, pero no me deja de resultar curioso que desplieguen este buque en concreto, dada su implicacion en operaciones especiales


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