domingo, 13 de abril de 2014

Otro buque francés llegará al Mar Negro el 14 de Abril


El lúnes 14 de abril del 2014 tiene prevista su entrada en el Mar Negro el buque de combate francés Dupleix ...

... Con este serán 3 los buques franceses en la región, el que protagoniza esta entrada y los siguientes:

Buque AGI Dupuy de Lome (Francia)

Buque "AGI" Alizé (Francia)

He confirmed that Thursday night in the Black Sea came as a great French Navy intelligence ship "Dupuy de Lom." "Indeed, the French scout ship entered the Black Sea on Thursday, a few hours after the USS. On the queue scheduled for April 14 visit to the Black Sea another French ship - destroyer "Duplex" - said the source.
"Thus, currently in the Black Sea is the grouping of NATO ships in the three units - the USS" Donald Cook " French high intelligence ship "Dupuy de Lom" and rescue vessel "Alize" French Navy. After entering the destroyer "Duplex" effectives NATO grouping will increase to four units "- summed up the agency.

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