jueves, 17 de abril de 2014

Incendio en un crucero lanzamisiles estadounidense


Segun informa Navy Times, la mañana del lúnes se desencadenó un incendio a las 6:20 horas en uno de los espacios de ingeniería del crucero lanzamisiles de la US NAVY estadounidense CG-66 Hue City cuando se encontraban a 200 millas al noreste de las islas Bermudas ...

... el incendio se apagó en una hora y media aprox. sin que nadie resultase herido. Se le califica del más serio incendio en la US NAVY en los últimos años. 

El buque se dirigía al despliegue en el Mediterráneo pero tiene que volver a su puerto base en Mayport para reparar.

UPDATE: Hue City crew doused major fire at sea
The crew of the cruiser Hue City fought and defeated a major fire in one of the main engineering spaces Monday evening without suffering any injuries, according to a new report obtained by Navy Times.
The fire broke out at just after 6:20 p.m. local time while the Hue City was steaming about 200 nautical miles northeast of Bermuda, according to the initial incident report sent by the ship.
It started in the No. 1 gas turbine generator, located in main engine room one, and the crew reacted by going to general quarters, this message said, in what appears to be among the most serious shipboard fires in a few years.
While much remains unclear about what happened on board, the report makes clear that the fire wasn’t finally declared “out” until more than an hour and a half after it started.
... el artículo al completo en www.navytimes.com

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