sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2013

El prototipo del 'Armata' puede iniciar las pruebas en Noviembre de este año

Noticias Ejército Ruso

El prototipo de tanque de nueva generación 'Armata' puede iniciar las pruebas en Noviembre de este año, según declaraciones del Teniente General Aleksander Shevchenko...

Russian Armata Tank to Enter Testing in November
OSCOW, September 7 (RIA Novosti) – The prototype of Russia’s next generation Armata main battle tank is ready for testing, which will begin by November, the head of the Russian Tank Forces said Saturday.
“The prototypes will be unveiled soon at an exhibit in Nizhny Tagil, and their tests will kick off within a month or two, I believe,” Lt. Gen. Alexander Shevchenko said on Echo Moskvy radio.
The biannual Russian Arms Expo will run in the Urals city in September 25-28 this year. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said in July that the country’s leadership will get a sneak preview of the new tank during the arms fair.
An unmanned version of the Armata main battle tank is also on the cards, Shevchenko said.
Armata is a universal combat platform that is to be utilized for production of various armored vehicles. Shevchenko said on Friday that prototypes are already created for an Armada-based main battle tank, heavy infantry fighting vehicle and armored recovery vehicle.
The combat platform, named after a 14-century Russian cannon, is being designed since 2009 by the state-run corporation Uralvagonzavod, headquartered in Nizhny Tagil.

... la noticia al completo en en.rian.ru 

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