miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2013

El Crucero lanzamisiles 'Moscú' llegará al Mediterráneo el día 17 de Septiembre

Noticias Armada Rusa

Pese a lo que se está vendiendo, el Crucero Lanzamisiles Moscú llegará sin prisas al Mediterráneo el día 17 de Septiembre, paso previa a su regreso a su puerto base en Sevastopol. Es muy probable que se deje caer por el Mediterráneo Oriental ...

Proyecto 1164

Russia’s Mediterranean Task Force to Rotate 4 Ships
MOSCOW, September 4 (RIA Novosti) – A new group of ships from Russia’s Black Sea Fleet will join the country’s Mediterranean task force within days, a high-ranking Defense Ministry source told RIA Novosti Wednesday.
The task force currently includes vessels from the Pacific, Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleets: the destroyer Admiral Panteleyev, the large amphibious landing ships Admiral Nevelsky and Alexander Shabalin, the frigate Neustrashimy, and a number of support and auxiliary vessels.
The new group includes the large amphibious landing ships Novocherkassk and Minsk and the electronic intelligence ship Priazovye. It will relieve the current task force as soon as it passes through the Bosporus and Dardanelles Straits, which is expected Thursday or Friday, the source said.
A high-ranking representative of the General Staff told RIA Novosti the Slava class guidedmissile cruiser Moskva, which is currently in the Atlantic, will arrive in the Mediterranean on September 17, adding that operational command will then be transferred from the Admiral Panteleyev to the Moskva.
Two guided missile corvettes, Shtil and Ivanovets (Nanuchka 3 and Tarantul class respectively) will arrive in the area on September 29, the General Staff said.

... la noticia al completo en en.rian.ru 

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