domingo, 14 de julio de 2013

Muerto el guardaespaldas de Doku Umarov

Noticias Cáucaso

Durante una operación especial en la aldea de Nesterovsk en el Distrito Checheno de Sundhza murieron dos terroristas; uno de ellos era el guardaespaldas personal del Señor de la Guerra Doku Umarov...

Doku Umarov

... el guardaespaldas se llamaba Mikail Mushijanov...


... unos días atrás murió el lugarteniente de Doku Umarov y es que los servicios de seguridad rusos están intentando eliminar a esta figura del movimiento terroristas del Cáucaso antes de los Juegos Olímpicos de Sochi y aparentemente la presión está siendo tremenda contra él. A juzgar por los resultados.

Jihadist Leader’s Bodyguard Killed in Russia’s Caucasus - OfficialsMOSCOW, July 13 (RIA Novosti) – The bodyguard of Russia’s most wanted terrorist whose group pledged to attack the 2014 Winter Olympics was killed in the restive Caucasus region in a clash with federal troops, officials said Saturday.
Mikail Musikhanov, 30, was one of two Islamic militants killed by federal forces Friday in the southern province of Ingushetia, the National Anti-Terrorism Committee said. The militants were shot dead during a raid on the Nesterovskaya village in the eastern Sundhza district that borders war-scarred Chechnya, it said.
Musikhanov joined the Caucasus Emirate – a group of jihadists that want to establish an independent Islamic state in the Caucasus and parts of southern Russia with a sizeable Muslim population – in 2008, the Committee said in a statement. In 2011, he became part of the inner circle of Doku Umarov, a seasoned Chechen separatist who has headed the embattled group since 2007, it said.

... la noticia al completo en 

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