viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

UAVs Radian para monitorizar a los osos


En el extremo Oriental de la Federación Rusa se está experimentando con UAVs para monitorizar a la población de Osos por su discrección y sus capacidades de vuelo a baja altura ...

Drones to Keep Tabs on Russia’s Bears and Poachers
MOSCOW, May 17 (RIA Novosti) – Unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, are to be tested at a nature reserve on Russia’s Pacific coast this summer to help track wildlife and crack down on poachers, an official from the reserve said Friday.
“UAVs are silent and can fly at a very low altitude to produce high-resolution imagery and detect poachers, their boats and vehicles,” said Alexandra Filatkina, deputy director for development at the Kronotsky nature reserve on the Kamchatka Peninsula.
Aerial imagery makes it possible to spot not just the trails of motor vehicles, but illegal logging sites and waste dumps as well, she added.

... la noticia al completo en

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