sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013

Módulo AIP para los Submarinos clase Lada para 2015 o 2016

Noticias Armada Rusa

El sistema de propulsión independiente del aire (AIP) ruso de nueva generación puede estar preparado para instalarse en la clase de submarino Lada en 2015 o 2016, según ha afirmado Victor Chirkov a RIA Novosti ...

Anaerobic systems for submarines may appear at the Navy 2 years

MOSCOW, May 18 - RIA Novosti.  Navy Russia expects to receive the first anaerobic (airindependent) propulsion system for submarines of Project 677 "Lada" in 2-3 years, told RIA Novosti on Saturday, Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Viktor Chirkov.
The development of this facility is currently in the Central Design Bureau "Rubin".
"We expect to receive the first anaerobic power plant in 2015-2016," - said Teals.
He said that the first non-nuclear submarines with the anaerobic setting may appear in the Russian Navy in 2016-2017. "It will be an upgraded project, it will be upgraded submarines, submarine project" Lada ", - said the commander in chief.
According to him, the first three submarines of Project "Harmony" will be a classic diesel-electric power plant.

La noticia ... al completo en  ria.ru

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