sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013

Corea del Norte lanza 3 misiles de corto alcance hacia el Mar del Japón

Corea del Norte

En la mañana de hoy Corea del Norte lanzó 3 misiles de corto alcance probablemente del tipo KN-02 que son una versión local del SS-21 'Scarab' Soviético...

KN-02 Norcoreana

SS-21 'Scarab'

N. Korea launches three short-range missiles: defense ministrySEOUL, May 18 (Yonhap) -- North Korea on Saturday launched three short range guided missiles into the sea off the Korean Peninsula's east coast, South Korea's Ministry of Defense said.
   The ministry said it detected two launches in the morning, followed by another in the afternoon. It said the missiles were fired in a northeasterly direction away from South Korean waters.
   "A more detailed analysis will be needed but the missiles launched may be a modified anti-ship missile or the KN-02 surface-to-surface missile derived from the Soviet era SS-21 that has a range of about 120 kilometers," a Seoul official said.
   He said judging by the trajectory and distance traveled, those missiles fired were not medium- or long-range ballistic missiles.

... la noticia al completo en yonhapnews.co.kr

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