jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

En 2017 rusia comenzará construir submarinos con plantas AIP

Noticias Armada Rusa

El comandante de la Armada Rusa, Victor Chirkov, ha anunciado que en 2015 la nueva planta de propulsión independiente del aire será instalada en un submarino proyecto 677 clase 'Lada' y que en 2017 comenzarán a construirse submarinos de nueva generación que llevarán instaladas este tipo de sistemas ...

Commander of the Navy: the construction of new submarines will begin in 2017 MOSCOW, August 28 - RIA Novosti.  Russia starts in 2017 for the construction of non-nuclear submarine of the new generation with the installation of an anaerobic, told RIA Novosti on Thursday in St. Petersburg Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Viktor Chirkov.
RIA News http://ria.ru/defense_safety/20140828/1021730641.html#ixzz3C4cJkh1L  
airindependent main advantage of the power plant (VNEU) - increase stealth submarine. The submarine is able to stay under water without surfacing to recharge the batteries. "Of course, the construction of submarines, diesel-electric will. Today we are talking about non-nuclear submarines. since 2017 will be a new series with the anaerobic setting, to continue building will specifically be involved in construction" Admiralty Shipyards "," - said Teals.

El artículo al completo en ria.ru

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