domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

Rusia pondrá a punto los 5 Il-38SD indios


5 aviones de patrulla marítima indios Ilyushin Il-38SD serán puestos al día en la factoría rusa. Actualmente están trabajando en el segundo aparato ...

El Ilyushin Il-38SD es una modernización del Il-38 de la Armada India al que se le ha instalado la suite Sea Dragon, a un coste, a mí entender, muy elevado. 50 millones de $ por avión ...


Torre optrónica

Equipo ESM

Russian repair Indian anti-IL-38SD Five Indian anti-Il-38SD in turn will overhaul at the factory in Russia. Itar-Tass reported today the general director of "IL" Yuri Yudin , "Now we are the second Indian car, and we look forward to trace somewhere within four months next plane," - he said. Yudin said that we are talking about major repairs, which includes "minor upgrades without having a fundamental nature." Speaking about the possible procurement of these aircraft, Yudin said that "the period of interest in them has already passed." "On the extension of the park these aircraft in India out of the question", - concluded the source.



EL artículo completo en al  vpk NEWS.RU

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