viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

Las unidades de las VDV se dotarán de UAVs para el 2018

Noticias VDV

Las Unidades de Tropas Aerotransportadas (VDV) serán dotadas de equipos UAVs de aquí al 2018, según anunció el Coronel-General Shamanov...

Russian Paratroopers to Get Drones by 2018 – Shamanov
MOSCOW, May 10 (RIA Novosti) – Russian paratrooper divisions will receive unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones) within the next three-to-five years, Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov, Commander of Russia’s Airborne Forces, told journalists on Friday.
“UAV subdivisions already exist within the reconnaissance and special operations sections, in the artillery and the air-defense sections of the Airborne Forces. In line with accepted international practice, we intend to further develop the unmanned component of our forces,” Shamanov said.
He also said that it was the Defense Ministry’s decision to buy Israeli-produced drones that gave Russia the impetus to develop its own.

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