miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

El PAK FA comenzará la fase de pruebas en el polígono de Ajtubinsk en Julio

Noticias Fuerza Aérea Rusa

El programa de 5ª generación ruso PAK FA comenzará su fase de pruebas en el polígono de Ajtubinsk en Julio del 2013...

Fifth-Generation Jet Tests May Start in July - Air ForceAKHTUBINSK (Astrakhan Region, south Russia), May 7 (RIA Novosti) - Tests of Russia’s fifth-generation T-50 fighter jets in the Chkalov state flight test center in Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan Region in south Russia may start in July, Air Force Commander Lt. Gen. Viktor Bondarev said.
“In two months,” he said Monday when asked when the center would start tests of such jets, adding that the first serial fifth-generation jet may be manufactured in 2014-2015.
United Aircraft Corporation President Mikhail Pogosyan said in April Russia will start state flight tests of the T-50 in 2014.
The fighter jets will enter service with the country’s armed forces in 2016, and not 2015 as was previously announced, President Vladimir Putin said at a live Q&A session with the Russian public in April.

... la noticia al completo en en.rian.ru 

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